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Saturday, July 10, 2010

What's for dinner?

Okay so my quest for fining new recipies on the Internet that my whole family will enjoy is more than just a difficult task. My son does not like veggies and my two girls are picky eaters. (I think they got that from me because I was a picky eater) So today I was blog hopping and found They have a wonderful recipie for Sesame Stir Fry Fried Beef.

It is so yummy that my husband said that he really liked it. I just might be on to something here.

Thursday, June 24, 2010


Well all it seems to do here is rain and storm. My girls have developed a fear of any rain storms now. I am thinking that we should start on a new project for our home. I have several that I would like to do so I guess I should put them down and let you know when they get done.

Take out all of the hardwood on the first floor of our home and have it refinished. We have wood in our halls, kitchen and entry on the first floor. The rest of the flooring on the first floor is different in each room if you can believe that. The entire first floor should be consistent in flooring. I have suggested that we take the flooring and use it in the basement.

I would like to rip out of the carpet out of our master bedroom and replace it with tile or another type of flooring. (NO Carpet)

Sand and repaint the master balcony.

Sand or refinish the deck flooring on our main level.

I have been poking around several blogs and I get inspired but I have 2 very curious girls that must be involved in everything so I get discouraged easily when I think about starting new projects. Is it time for them to go back to school yet?